Your Digital Marketing Coach with Neal Schaffer

Unveiling My AI Toolkit: 11 Must-Have Marketing Tools

Neal Schaffer Episode 356

I'm your host, Neal Schaffer, and today's episode is a special one that I'm particularly excited about. In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing, AI tools have become indispensable for driving efficiency, effectiveness, and accuracy in our strategies. And I'm here to pull back the curtain on the AI tools that I personally rely on.

In this episode, we'll delve into the revolutionary changes that AI has brought to content creation, from intuitive platforms like Jasper, which I use to craft blog outlines and FAQs, to the emerging AI search engine, Perplexity AI that's changing how we ask questions online. We'll talk about the generative AI SEO landscape, the importance of tools like Frase for blog post optimization, and dip our toes into the latest in social media content generation with Google Gemini.

For all the podcasters out there, tools like Buzzsprout's cohost AI and the advanced capabilities of CastMagic will be on our list, showing you how to streamline your content production. Social media mavens, get ready to maximize your influence with automated tools like SocialBee, Pin Generator, and the promising newcomer, Taplio for LinkedIn.

But that's not all. My upcoming book and its companion workbook are just around the corner. I'm excited to share the progress, insights, and how you could be part of the launch team.

As we explore these eleven AI tools, their unique features, and how they integrate into our digital strategies, remember, this episode is more than just a list—it's a look into the future of marketing, and how these tools can propel your business forward. So whether you're a seasoned digital marketer or just starting out, gear up for an episode packed with actionable insights and tips for harnessing the power of AI in your daily work.

Don't forget to check the show notes for links to all the tools we'll be discussing. Your feedback is invaluable, so feel free to reach out after the episode.

Ready to become more tech-savvy, efficient, and successful in digital marketing? Let's dive in!


Get Started Using Adobe Express for Free


  1. Perplexity
  2. Google Gemini
  3. Buzzsprout
  4. CastMagic
  5. SocialBee
  6. PinGenerator
  7. Tweet Hunter
  8. Taplio
  9. Jasper
  10. Frase
  11. OpusClip

Learn More:

Speaker 1:

Are you curious about how other businesses and marketers are leveraging different AI tools today? What AI tools are they using and how are they leveraging them? Well, I'm going to give you a sneak peek into the 11 AI tools that I use on a regular basis right here on this next episode of the Digital Marketing Coach Podcast.

Speaker 2:

Social media content, influencer marketing, blogging, podcasting, vlogging, tick-tocking, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, SEO, SEM, PPC, email marketing there's a lot to cover. Whether you're a marketing professional, entrepreneur or business owner, you need someone you can rely on for expert advice. Good thing you've got Neil on your side, Because Neil Schaefer is your digital marketing coach. Helping you grow your business with digital. First marketing, one episode at a time. This is your Digital Marketing Coach and this is Neil Schaefer.

Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, this is your Digital Marketing Coach, neil Schaefer, and welcome to my show. We are now on episode number 356, and today's episode is going to be somewhat of a recap. It was almost a year ago, back on May 24th of 2023, an episode number 320, where I talked about the 10 AI tools for marketing that I am using today. I thought that it was time for an update because, as you know, not just time flies, but the industry the AI industry specifically continues to evolve rapidly. Now some of you may be thinking how are these people using these AI tools? You hear people say oh, I'm on chat, gpt four or five hours a day. On the other hand, you may be leveraging various AI tools and you're wondering what are you missing out on? I think there's not a lot of information as to exactly how different businesses are leveraging specific, different AI tools. That's the whole idea behind this episode is to really help not just educate, but inspire you to be able to find different ways to leverage AI. We are not leveraging AI for AI's sake. We have a workflow of how we work and we're trying to figure out how AI best fits in. This is almost a preview of this chapter on AI and marketing that's coming out with my next book. On the subject of my next book, before we get into today's episode, just want to give you a quick update, just to share with you behind the scenes as to what's going on here Today.

Speaker 1:

I got back the copy edit. It is now copy edited. It is now proofread. I still need to do one more proofread. Interesting fact a lot of people will say if you want to proofread your own book, simply speak it. I'm thinking I haven't decided for sure I'm definitely going to record an audio book. Maybe I should begin the process of recording an audio book by doing it as a form of final proofreading, of proofreading, the proofreading through voice, if that makes sense. That is a big milestone because now, once I do a final proofread, it's going to go to the formatter. In order to go for the formatter, it also needs illustrations. Fortunately, the illustrator that I employed for the Age of Influence is back on my team again for this next book. I already got my first batch of illustrations today. That is coming on. Then the face of the book, the cover. I'm hoping to get my first comps back sometime this week. Not sure how much I'm going to reveal on social media, but making sure you follow me, neil Schaefer, wherever I am on social media, which is pretty much everywhere. It's all slowly Coming together and I really can't wait to announce more. I already got and I'll share these with you some really, really good feedback from.

Speaker 1:

This is the first person Outside of my developmental editor that is actually read the entire book, because he had to do the copy at it and he said, and I quote I'm greatly impressed with your depth and breadth of knowledge on the subject and your ability to express it clearly and succinctly. While the sheer amount of advice maybe too overwhelming for layman, though they could always pick and choose a chapter they're interested in, the book serves as a definitive guide to digital marketing for those who already have a working knowledge Review should be very high on Amazon. Not once did anything seem off base to me. Your insights into AI were especially strong. I've read a lot of A lot about AI and documents I've edited and proofread, but you're the first person to make the concepts easy to understand. I'm really thankful. That really gives me the confidence that I'm on the right track. Obviously, you know I want to make this a digital marketing playbook for everybody, and maybe it does assume that you have some beginner knowledge, but nevertheless, that's why I'm creating a workbook to go together with the book. Anyway, I know it's too early to talk about these things. I am actively working on the workbook with an instructional design consultant as well, and can't wait To share that with you all. When the time is right, I will have a launch team. If you're interested in getting involved, email me, neil, at Neil Schaefer dot com. It's going to be a really, really tight window in terms of how many applicants accept and when I accept them, so make sure you reach out early so that you're on my radar when the time comes. All right, that's it about the book.

Speaker 1:

So we, before we go into this episode, of all these different tools I'm using, we also have a separate segment on the tools, and I'm going to mention one here that I am not using in the rest of the episode today for lack of a better description, and that tool is Adobe Express. Now, I think Camva were really first to market on having a really, really sophisticated yet easy to use tool, and Adobe Express has literally realized what are the needs of creators today, what are the things that's in an ideal tool, what would you want? And Adobe has been investing years and years into creating this tool. It is really a fantastic tool. It is my number one graphic design tool. It is Adobe. You get access to Adobe fonts, adobe stock photo, they have a forever free plan and they have the most sophisticated text to image artificial intelligence and their AI, which is called Adobe Firefly, is actually done licensing all of the images they use with Adobe stock and other providers that have actually agreed and have licensed that technology to be used in Adobe's AI engine, and Adobe is also sharing, I believe, royalties or anything that they receive with those creators as well. So it is an ethically sound AI engine. It is Adobe. It is fantastic.

Speaker 1:

If you haven't checked it out, please go to Neal Schaefercom slash Adobe Express. One word it's forever free, even if it's a paid version. I mean, it's a pretty similar business model to Camva, but I think if you've ever thought why can't canva do this or why can't canva do that, I really think that's when you need to at least check out Adobe Express, get a forever free plan and let me know what you think. Alrighty, so AI tools have changed, as I mentioned, since that last episode, and I am constantly being introduced to new tools almost on a daily basis. Since that last episode, over the last nine months, I have published I want to say two dozen or so blog posts on Neal Schaefercom about all the different ways you can leverage different AI tools for different marketing. It has been incredibly fun, but also really interesting, to be able to do research to see on what tools are out there on the market.

Speaker 1:

With that in mind, though, we're not just researching tools for tool sake. We're not just using tools for tool sake. We are business people, and we need to figure out how to use these to help us improve our business. If everything is going great for you, you don't need to use AI right? Ai is going to find itself in every tool that you use, just like collaboration features Found themselves in different tools, just like online synchronization features, over the last decade or two, have found their way into our tools. It is natural that you know whether you're in Notion, whether you're in Gmail, whether you're in Google. Ai is going to appear more and more, and it's just going to become an integral part of everything that we do.

Speaker 1:

That being said, there are some specific tools today, 11 in particular that I want to introduce to you and exactly how I use them and how I recommend you use them. I'd be really curious, when we get to the end, if you use different tools for these same purposes, or maybe you use these tools differently. You can feel free to reach out to me once again, neil, at Neil Schaefercom. I'd love to hear from you, or you can write a review and put that information there either. Either way, whatever is good for you.

Speaker 1:

So let's start with number one, and I want to start with the general stuff, and then we'll go into the more specifics based on the different marketing channels. So I have never really been a user of chat GPT and if you've been listening to this podcast, the reason why is I don't have time to become a prompt engineer. I'd like to leverage tools that Feed in or integrate with the chat GPT API and make it easy for me to do the work that I need to do, because they've already done the hard work on the back end. That's why I normally don't talk about a chat GPT. I have talked about Google. Google Bard was one of the 10 tools that I talked about in a previous episode, but today I want to talk about a different AI tool, and I think by going to this tool, you're going to be seeing the future of the AI search engine. The name of the tool is called perplexity dot AI, and if I'm going to use any tool as a search engine, or any AI tools, a search engine, this is the tool.

Speaker 1:

I think this has come very recently. We've heard a lot of people talk about this. I mentioned it in the pod fest Episode that there was a gentleman who basically uploaded a legal contract to perplexity dot AI. He mentioned to the AI that he was going to sign a contract and he represents his interest here and he's going to do business with a company there, and what are the things that he should be mindful of when, before signing the contract, what revision should he ask, etc. Etc. And it gave a really really compelling section by section answer. So that really blew me away.

Speaker 1:

The great thing about perplexity dot AI, though, is it has a free plan and a paid plan. For the free plan, there is sort of a co pilot that you can do, I believe, four times a day, and the co pilot really helps narrow down. It basically recommends prompts for you to fill out to be able to give you a better answer. So that's one really cool feature about perplexityai. The other feature is that you can ask it just like you would ask a search engine. So sometimes you want to put a really, really long question into Google but you know you're not going to get a good answer. So when you end up shortening that query and then sifting through the information after that, well, perplexityai you can use any one or two or three sentence question. Give a background, then ask a question. It will give you a really compelling answer. And what I love about it is it gives the sources of the answer. It shows you the Google search queries that it does and then the main sources that it finds to develop the answer.

Speaker 1:

Now this has led to a whole new thing about generative AI SEO. How do we get our content to appear in those sources that AI search engines are using, so that not only can we influence the search results with our ideas, but hopefully that ends up generating traffic to our sites? I am already getting web traffic from Perplexityai and I'll give you a very, very simple answer. These search engines or I should say you know Perplexity, chatgpt they are still ChatGPT, may be different because it's Microsoft, so maybe they are relying on Bing, but these search engines, these AI search engines, are still relying on traditional search engines. They cannot hope to replicate the work of the decades of work that the Yahoo's and Microsoft's and Google's have put into this. So I actually had this conversation another tool that I'm going to mention a little bit later, called Jasper. I was on a webinar and I asked their product marketing person flat out you know, how are you getting this information? Like, what are the Google searches you're doing? And basically it was coming straight from Google. So if you want to show up in generative AI search engines, you need to show up in traditional search engines, is the short answer. But, needless to say, as an AI search engine, you definitely have to try Perplexityai. It was also written up in the New York Times about two weeks ago, so it's just something that I've heard more and more about in more and more places and that usually happens before something sort of blows up. So definitely check that out. I think you will never see search engines the same again.

Speaker 1:

All right, the next one I want to go into is Google Gemini. Used to be called Google Bard. I've always been a fan of Google AI because they were there before open AI. They just never productized anything. And it's Google right it has direct access to all that information that's out there. And if we think from an SEO perspective, I want to think like Google. So those are the reasons that I continuously go to Google Gemini formerly Google Bard, now the ways that I specifically you know, perplexityai isn't necessarily for marketing, it's just for general life, the way I'd use it as a search engine For Google Gemini.

Speaker 1:

I am discovering some really cool ways of using it for social media snippets. Now there are different AI social media post generators that I played around with. There's chat, gpt, there's tailwind and I'm going to mention some others in this podcast. But what I've just found is, for instance, take the first few paragraphs of a blog post, which normally is the summary of a blog post, the introduction, and I'll just say, hey, please summarize this into a maximum 280 character tweet and it'll give me a really, really good summary that I can then post on Twitter, because it's within 280 characters and Gemini will even add hashtags, add sort of like a call to action. It's Maybe the best AI social media post generator there is. By the way, you can go up the 2,000 characters on LinkedIn, facebook, and I just tried this for the first time today Using Google Gemini for this. I basically uploaded the entire blog post, which has already been published. As I please summarize the main points and, in, you know, maximum 2,000 characters, and it was really compelling the content that it displayed. I'm gonna publish it for the first time I think it's gonna go out tomorrow on LinkedIn, so I can't wait to see.

Speaker 1:

But once again, when you read my book and I talk about platform authentic content, we want to give away as much value as we can in our content without forcing people to click elsewhere to get more of it. So this tool, google Gemini, makes it very, very easy to create, whether it is very, very short form, a Summary, or maybe a long form summary, which becomes a mini blog post, and it's all from. You know, we're just repurposing content that's already been published. It is a really, really easy, fast and free way to use AI that I highly recommend you check out, at a minimum for social media snippets. Or please summarize this 2,000 words into a maximum 500 words right, those ways of summarizing, putting maximum word or character limits on longer content or long form content which, every way you look at it can be an extreme time saver and we know the results are are really good, as long as it is not, you know, mission critical content. We're not talking about trying to index this content. It's purely for engagement on social media, trying to basically repurpose that content to be able to get more eyeballs on it. I I don't think there's any potential ethical issues in using AI in this way, at least in my honest opinion, and that is the way I use it. All right.

Speaker 1:

So number three is going to be Buzzsprout. Now, buzzsprout because you're listening to a podcast. Buzzsprout is one of the most popular Podcast hosts. I've been with them a few years after I switched from Libsyn, which is still probably the gorilla in the market. But I think a lot of new podcasters are teaming up with Buzzsprout and there's a few other new ones out there. Buzzsprout basically created a partnership with an AI company and they have something called co-host AI and Basically, I upload a podcast and the co-host AI, after about 10 or 15 minutes, will recommend titles, descriptions, it'll create the transcription, and on and on and on, and it just makes it really, really easy For me to be able to finish processing a podcast episode.

Speaker 1:

So Some of the titles I will use, as is. It gives me a choice of like five different titles. Some of the descriptions I might use, as is. It also recommends social media posts. So I do use it for a lot of podcasts.

Speaker 1:

I won't say I use all of it for every podcast, but if I feel the quality and the representation and the relevance is there, that saves me a heck of a lot of time because you know what podcasting is about. This is about you and me having an intimate conversation. The title, the description are necessary, but I don't want to overdo the amount of time. Obviously, when I create these podcasts, I have a title of mine and if the AI can't beat me, I'm sticking with the original title. But sometimes the AI can come up with a really really good title and what has performed better for me than buzzed about co-host AI is actually cast magic. Once again, relatively new tool I found out about at PodFest, already had a really, really interesting conversation with one of their co-founders and it is a killer tool, not just for podcasts, for more than that.

Speaker 1:

But if, let's say, you want to summarize a YouTube video or you want to find snippets of a YouTube video, quotes or Engaging pieces. What have you? Anything that you want to take audio or video and you want to create textual content from Cast magic is absolutely brilliant. So I have the co-host AI, but I also upload the audio to cast magic and then 10 or 15 minutes later, it gives me what co-host AI gives me, but it gives me more, and I think I mentioned this in the previous podcast episode. It actually allows you to create custom prompts For your audio or video. So I created a custom prompt of please create a teaser text so I can introduce the video with these teasers you normally hear me do, and that's the actual teaser text that I used on the last episode, episode number 355. I believe that is actually coming from a cast magic, so definitely a really, really robust and flexible and Really, the relevance of the titles descriptions there really blew me away. So I'm now leaning more on cast magic than buzz sprout. But even if you don't have a podcast, if you want to summarize, zoom meeting calls, because that's integrations with that, the cast magic co-founder said that sales people and sales managers are using cast magic to analyze sales calls. And Are your sales people saying the things they should be saying in the sales calls man, it gets really, really deep. So that is one really, really killer. All around general purpose AI tool. Once again, anything an audio and or video that you want to generate text Prompts from or text content from, it is killer, alright.

Speaker 1:

Number five is social be. Social be is still my general Social media dashboard of choice and they still have an AI social media post generator which I still use. I think one of the problems with AI social media post generators is if you just put your URL in it, it's gonna try to think what the answer is and it's not always generating content that comes from the actual blog post. It's not just social be obscenest with other tools as well. So I have recently changed on social be to take those first few paragraphs and please summarize, but you know Google Gemini recently has given me better answers, so I still do some social be, some Google Gemini, and these are mainly from my posts on Twitter, linkedin and Facebook.

Speaker 1:

Number six pin generator. Right now, I am generating 100% of my pins off of pin generator. I have completely. I still use Tailwind for other purposes, like tailwind communities, but I have moved 100% of my Pinterest content generation to pin generator and it's not really an AI tool per se. It basically will take the URL of your blog post, it'll automatically grab the images and it basically presets or they have these preset templates where it grabs your title and it'll automatically populate these out of like 200 different image templates. You'll pick how many pins you want it to create.

Speaker 1:

I normally create 12 per blog post. It'll basically just automatically, within a minute, create 12 pins using your blog post title, using various high performing designs and brand colors that you decide, and then you're ready to basically push publish, or I should say push schedule in the case of pin generator. So not quite AI, but really, really cool and it allows me to schedule 12 pins a day, or like today or the other day, like AI Instagram post generators. I will post that on an AI for marketing board. I will post it on a social media marketing board. I'll also post it on a digital and social media marketing tool board. So right there I am scheduling 36 pins, 12 for each board, and it's being scheduled using their smart they call it smart shuffle so basically to make sure that you're not posting to the same board like two or three times the same day or twice in the same day. So it basically a randomizes and schedules those pins out over the course of time, so I'm not spamming one board, which I think Pinterest the most commonly users would not like. So that is how I keep this cadence of publishing pretty much 10 to 15 pins a day, and I already have a month in my queue and I try to maintain that month. So pin generator still comes highly, highly recommended.

Speaker 1:

I know that was a tool that I talked about before. Another tool that I talked about before that I still love is Tweet Hunter. Tweet Hunter has actually added a number of other tools. The general AI tool in terms of creating tweets is still there, but they've added other things. We have the evergreen queue of. You can set a minimum number of likes and any post that gets that number of likes will be added to this evergreen queue. I currently have 60 posts that I repost or I should say retweet once every 60 days and even though it shows that I'm retweeting it, it's still sort of like social proof that I have a lot of likes already on it, because it originally had a lot of likes on it and then I'm reposting it once every 60 days. So if you go to my Twitter profile at Neil Schaefer. You'll probably see, once a day I'll have one of these posts that has like 10, 15, 20 retweets, and that is really the secret behind that. It is a cumulative retweet, but I still think it's powerful. It also serves me in knowing what is the content that people engage with most right, and that's one of the reasons why I like that data.

Speaker 1:

The other really cool thing that Tweet Hunter can do, which they've added once again, not necessarily an AI feature, but a pretty cool technology feature, is the ability, after 24 hours, to delete any tweets that did not get a minimum number of likes. So why would you wanna do this? Well, engagement has really gone down on Twitter. I mean, unless you're like an Elon Musk fan or you're politically on either end of the spectrum, there ain't a lot going on in the business world these days. I mean, there still are, don't get me wrong but the engagement is not there where it used to be. So if you get zero likes on a Tweet, maybe you don't want that to be part of your profile.

Speaker 1:

You know, you did your best to create a Tweet, you got it out there. You might've gotten clicks, but once again it's sort of like the social proof. So what PIN Generator allows you to do, like I said, is basically it'll go through and if it doesn't hit a minimum threshold, it'll delete it. So if people go back into your timeline which some people do they will only see that you had tweets that got engagement. So I do this, you know, in all transparency if I don't get three likes on a Tweet after 24 hours or between 24 and 48 hours is the way it works it'll be deleted and it's no harm, no foul, but it helps me keep a robustly looking, full of social proof timeline. So I think it's a really cool feature and I recommend I mean, tweethunter is just such a cool tool. By the way, all the links, these tools obviously, for most of them they're affiliate links they help support the show, they help me create this content and be completely transparent with you in how I use them and share this information with you as if you were my fractional CMO client. So I hope you'll give me some love. Check them all out in the description as you go through all these different tools.

Speaker 1:

So that was number seven. We still got four tools to go. A new one that I did not mention last time that I become using is a tool called Tapleo. I mentioned that TweetHunter has all this really cool functionality for Twitter. Tapleo is developed by the same people who developed TweetHunter, but guess what? Tapleo is for LinkedIn, so it offers some pretty killer features. One of the killer features that I love to use is the hook, the generate hook functionality. So if you were to go into my LinkedIn or Facebook profile this is my Facebook business page at Neal Schaefer page You'll see that I often have these hooks like three lines at the beginning of every post. These are the hooks that are created by Tapleo. So it has a whole host of features. It has a community that I won't say it's a pod per se, but a community of people who support each other. So definitely, if you're curious, check that out once again. Affiliate link in the show notes Number nine is Jasper.

Speaker 1:

I still use Jasper and Jasper has really upped their game. They have a brand new UI, which they released about a month ago, and instead of this notion of having these recipes and automated prompts, jasper has taken a different direction and actually created something really innovative and intuitive. So the way I'm using it now is I create a blog post outline and it'll say what do you want to write a blog post on? And I will put in the title and it'll basically guide me step by step. Who is the target audience? What is the outline? What is the target keyword? Are there any case studies that you want to bring up? Are there any data from your blog posts that you want to bring up or any stats? It'll basically, step by step, walk you through by giving you these prompts and every step of the way you can use it to generate these things and then edit it and use it as part of this content outline. So I've done really, really well of creating or I should say the process has served me really well in creating a blog post outline that I can then flesh out.

Speaker 1:

And I think, once again, ideation is one of the killer ways of using AI. If you don't know where to start, you don't know how to create an outline or just to get started. That is a really really great way to get started. You might not agree with everything it says. You can delete out stuff, but just to get that head start. In Japanese we call it Tadaki Dai. It's that wood board where they cut sushi on, but the meaning of Tadaki Dai is that you have a starting point. And so long as you have a Tadaki Dai or a starting point, it makes it a lot easier for you to go. And that, to me, is using Jasper for the blog post outline. I still use it to generate FAQ on my blogs. I mentioned that before. So Jasper has a lot of cool features. If Cast Magic is the audio and video text tool that you can use as a platform tool, I'd say Jasper is that same tool for text to text. All right.

Speaker 1:

Number 10, we have phrase. Still, I do not publish a blog post if it doesn't get a 100 score on phrase. Still a big fan of it. In fact, recently, when I have guest blog contributors, I will have them use phrase. You have the ability to actually share your phrase document with other people for free and they can actually use that to optimize their own blog posts, which they are going to guest post on my site. So it's sort of a win-win they get to optimize their content and I get optimized content. So for a lot of reasons, phrase is still really killer. I do not publish a blog post without it going through phrase.

Speaker 1:

And then, last but not least, this is the tool that I have used the least, but the tool that I want to use more and more is Opus Clip. I mentioned this in my talk on VidSummit. There are a number of these video take a long form video and create short form video out of them. It tries to use AI to automatically find the most engaging parts of that video so that you can then clip up and it will clip it up for you and add the captions and really create a Alex Hormozzi type of good looking short form video. Opus Clip seems to be the gorilla. There are a number of other tools out there almost too many to name so if you're using one and you like it, awesome. None of the AI is perfect in terms of finding the most engaging piece of content. I will put that out there, but Opus Clip seems to have the momentum in the market. And if I was going to add another AI tool that I use although I'm still a beginner at it, but I want to use more to create more short form video that is going to be the tool. So, whether it is Search Engine, whether it is for blogging, podcasting, I mentioned like YouTube, so you could use Cast Magic, upload a YouTube and create the title description. Also two tools that I mentioned last time that I didn't mention this time. Tubebuddy and vidIQ also have these video AI or AI specific for YouTube.

Speaker 1:

So social media blog post content, the only when I go back to my digital marketing containers and the SES framework, two things you'll learn a lot about in my book. The only thing I didn't cover, which I haven't used AI for a lot, is email marketing, and I do know that there are more and more savvy email marketing tools that basically can help automatically create email sequences for you. I'm thinking specifically of a tool called Hoppy Copy, which I am hearing more about, and I have written a blog post about AI email assistance and, I think, another one about AI email tools as well. So those are on the horizon, too early for me to be able to talk about it in this podcast, but, if you were curious, yes, there's an AI tool for that as well. Alright, that's a lot of AI tools, I'm hoping, even if you found one, or you got one idea or like oh well, I already have a paid account to chat to PT, maybe I should try using it this way. I really hope that this episode served you find a way to make your work better, make your work faster, make your work more accurate, or to be able to do something that you couldn't do before, like me, using opus clip To create these short from videos, which technically I could do, but it's gonna be really, really hard for me to do. I am not a natural video editor. That is the way to think about AI in your marketing today. Alrighty, I want to thank you again for all of your reviews, all of your subscriptions in this podcast.

Speaker 1:

This is a once a week podcast.

Speaker 1:

Every other week, I do a solo episode and then the other week I will do an interview with thought leader, business leader, author, people that I respect and people that I want to learn from, so I think you will as well. Next week, we have episode number 357. This is going to be an interview with someone who moved from France to the United States to start a macaron bakery, an e-commerce site, and he's gonna talk about how he used SEO to get clients. It's a case study. Actually recorded this interview as a case study for my upcoming books. You'll get a sneak preview, but it is a really, really great way of thinking about SEO from someone who, you know, had started with nothing and was able to build something that continues to grow with the help of the way that he Leverages SEO, which is very aligned with my own library of content concept. Once again Dedicated chapter this in the book, so you're gonna have to wait for that, but that is it for another episode of this podcast. This is your digital marketing coach, neil Schaefer, signing off.

Speaker 2:

You've been listening to your digital marketing coach. Questions, comments, requests, links. Go to podcast dot. Neil Schaefer Com. Get the show notes to this and 200 plus podcast episodes and Neil Schaefer Com to tap in to the 400 plus blog post that Neil has published to support your business. While you're there, check out Neil's digital first group coaching membership community if you or your business needs a little helping hand. See you next time on your digital marketing coach.